Sunday, January 3, 2010

Closing Out :)

Not only have we closed out 2009, but I am closing out my blogs! :/ I have been torn, thinking I may regret it one day (esp our family blog), but it is too much for me to keep up with and when I don't post it drives me crazy! There are too many other things that I need to prioritize and the blogs just seem to get in the way for me! It is much more fun for me to read other people's blogs, both that I know and don't know, than it is for me to create my own:) I need to salvage every ounce of creativity that I DO have in me :) Thanks for reading!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Five Years Ago Today.

This time five years ago brings back a flood of emotion and memories.

I got a phone call from my grandmother this morning and she asked if I remembered what we were doing this time 5 years ago. The memories immediately flooded my mind.

Overwhelming gratitude and peace towards God filled my heart and my mind.

There are times I love talking about that time in our life and others it scares me so bad I cannot even play the scenario through my head.

It had been several years of sickness for me, and a few very severe months. This particular morning I woke up with a funny feeling in my foot. Something told me there was something wrong and we didn't even call the ambulance. Within minutes I could not walk, Ross dressed me, and carried me to the car. My leg and foot were all but black and quickly swelling. I told Ross I didn't feel good and then passed out in the car as we were driving. He thought I had died in those few seconds of horrible fear...I woke up to him saying my name over and over and putting his hands in my mouth, thinking I was choking. We arrived at the hospital and did not even check in. My grandmother was in town for something else and beat us to the hospital. My blood presssure 60/40 something. Ross and BJ sat waiting for an answer. They had none. They told them that they may have to amputate my leg, and my parents were called. We were later told, they didn't think I would make it at all. After several hours of testing, they found a DVT (blood clot) in my left femoral vein. Complete blockage and little blood was able to get back to my heart...hence the passing out and low blood pressure. The next day, part of the clot broke off and at some point went to both of my lungs...I spent a week in ICU and another week recovering in the hospital. I had to learn to completely walk on that leg and again and lost all feeling up to my calf, which has since regenerated almost completely!

I write none of this to be dramatic. I write it, so that I will never forget about God's sovereignty in my life. His control. His healing. The immense peace He gave me through this season of our lives. The power of prayer. How many friends and family supported us in so many ways. How much my husband loved me tenderly through sickness and health. How my Mom and grandmother sat by my side for 2 weeks in the hospital and 2 more weeks at home. How good it felt to see my Dad walk into the hospital that first night, when I can't remember anything else. How it felt to see my little sister's love and concern for me in a "big" sister way.. How our church family came alongside of us financially and through meals. How churches that did not even know us came alongside of us financially. I could go on and on, I never want to forget.

Five years later, and it still brings back anxiety and a deep peace all at the same time.

Five years later, and that storm in our life seems like such a "small" part of our full life.

Five years later, a family of five, that desires to continue to trust in God's perfectness and control as much as we did five years ago today.

Lord, thank you for life, for my husband, for my family, and for your perfect control.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We never have to guess what he is thinking. He talks. Non. Stop.

He loves asking questions and loves for us to ask him questions.

He loves step by step directions and the names of streets as we drive through town.

He recently asked his Daddy, "what does intercede mean?"... he heard it on his all time favorite song "Arise" by Indelible Grace.

He also informed me that "God is going to kill Daddy". Now thats a fun one to deal with. A few minutes before he told me this, he asked Ross "is you going to die Daddy" which Ross replied "yes one day, when God decides it is time for me to..." There was no arguing with him on this one. He insisted. I just let it pass.

He is also aware of the difference between boys and girls...all he knows is that girls dont have what he DOES...and he will go through a 5 page list of who DOESNT have or who DOES have what he HAS. I cringe listening to the lists. ahhahah

He is obsessed with trains. In the past month he got to go see Thomas with MY grandmother and went to Tweetsie Railroad with HIS grandmother!

He appreciates the smalls our "new den". He is very proud.

He is saving his money for a train...up to $3 and some change.

He does NOT like having his hair cut.

He hits his head multiple times a day.

He is quick to forgive.

He has a short temper.

He prefers no clothing at all at home. Often goes commando if he HAS to wear shorts ;)

He has my taste for food.

He still sleeps with his blue blanket.

He likes routine but is flexible.

He can tell you what foods are bad for you and if something has too much caffeine or too much sugar in it....:)

He LOVES coffee.

He is not a performer and you can't trick him into it.

He is very timid around strangers and large crowds, but is full of life once he becomes comfortable or secure.

He gets shy if you watch him sing out loud in the car, unless you sing with him.

He recently started saying "my daddy" in "Will you help me with this my daddy?"

He never wears shoes unless we are in a store.

These are just a few things about my precious 2 1/2 year old :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I just forgot...

how to shop that is.

I never shop.


Today my Mom kept the boys, so I could find a dress for my 10 year high school reunion!

I got to Dillard's and had to look at the store map to find the location of the dresses. How long have I lived here? Since 4th grade. Whatever year that was :)

Same scenario at Belk's, Penny's, ect...

Well to top it all off, I am looking at Ross (not my incredibly sweet and good looking husband) but the store, and low and behold I see someone I know. She tapped me as I was browsing through a dress that caught my eye and we chatted for a few moments. "See you on Friday!" I said with a smile. Smiling back she said, "OK see you there!"...all the while she is probably thinking..."Did she not JUST have a baby? Don't they have two babies? I have GOT to ask someone about this!"...

Yes, I was hanging out in the maternity section and had no idea.

I totally forgot how to shop.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Prayer of Hannah Giveaway!

Head on over here to the "Prayer of Hannah" blog for a free giveaway and FUN and CHALLENGING discussion on motherhood and womanhood!

Monday, April 27, 2009

I am just now learning that....

(in no particular order) :

Nap and Rest time are not my "right"- if I get to lay down, great. If I don't, enjoy doing something productive.

When disciplining my children, fear and honor God, not family and friends.

Think daily and sometimes hourly about the saying that I get tired of hearing, "it will be over before you know it", and love and play with my boys like "it really will be over before I know it". I have REALLY been trying to let this sink in lately and I am having some sweetly satisfying days with my boys.

It is a good thing to be exhausted at the end of the day. It means I have worked hard at what I am supposed to be doing.

Fearing the loss of Ross, my children, or dying before any of them will rob me of enjoying my family. God is not surprised by ANYTHING. Rest in Him.

If I am not in the Word daily, Ross and my boys suffer from my selfishness.

Having kids hasn't changed my desire for a clean house every day, but a lot can wait until they go to bed :)

There is a difference between being rude and being loud. Teach them the difference. Let them be boys!

Yelling just doesn't work. Ever.

I treasure the time that me and Ross had before our boys. This is a blessed season of life we have now, but I do miss those times and know they were so special.

I have a confirmed hate for laundry. Just do it. It's not going to go away.

7:30 am is sleeping in.

9:00 pm is getting late.

Our boys bedtime is just as good for me and Ross as it is for them :)

My kids will disobey when I want them to "obey" the most. And that's okay. It keeps me humble ;)

Tell Luke I am sorry, when I have done something wrong. He grasps it more than I ever thought he could.

To be continued....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Do your research...

These are a few things that I love, but wish I had enough knowledge to devote a blog too! :)

Nutrition- such as whole foods, raw milk, etc...and how this benefits our bodies

Pregnancy and Childbirth- pregnancy health, home-births, etc...

Infertility- although I have never dealt with this, I love reading about natural ways to boost your fertility, and more specifically when and why many women are labeled infertile before a change in diet, weight loss, or in some cases have not even been trying for more than 1 to 2 years, etc...the meds, treatments, side effects, emotional effects, etc... are very interesting to me.

Ulcerative Colitis- new findings, research, cures...(I was diagnosed with this in High school, and eventually had my colon entirely removed because of the severity and illness)...still interests me greatly. I love talking to people who are struggling with this or diseases similar.

Photography- I love pictures and love taking them.

Patient Advocacy- whether it's the doctor's office, insurance, second/third/or forth opinions, I LOVE talking about this, encouraging others in this area, and finding/knowing the rights of a patient

These are just a few things that really interest me, but I feel like I have only brushed the surface in most of them!

What are some things that interest you? That you read about/ research/ could sit on the computer for hours and look up?